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Last Updated: Why do you even care?   

an interpretation of a topic troubling today's youth

Please note that this unfinished essay was written during my Freshman year at Undergraduate college. It was written under tremendous duress and I apologize for it's lacking nature. Perhaps the best way to read this is to read each letter aloud going forward and backwards at the same time. But at the same time, don't do that. Thank you.

This page is dedicated to those who have thought long and hard about the consequences and the inconsequences of nothing. Just the mere idea that this page is existing contradicts the whole notion of this page. I will be adding certain items on to this page to achieve a "nothing" effect. Of course such an effect would seem absurd...but believe me: anything is possible. Just the mere fact that mathematics have come up with such an absurd expression such as "zero" proves that this page does deserve to exist and does need strange characters (we call English words) to converse about the strange phenomenon called "nothing". First, let me give you a preview of my thoughts and ideas of this phenomenon. Nothing, to me, does not even need to be thought of because it is nothing. I can't imagine anyone in this whole universe who have witnessed nothing in it's essence and for all that it's worth. Nothing is nothing and that is that. When one imagines nothing, the something they use to represent nothing is possibly one of black space or one of white space. Do not be deceived by your naive minds, people. One should not even be thinking of nothing and one should not even be doing a page about nothing. This is why I found the need to do a page about nothing. In absurdum terms, I am going against philosophical grains to reach a more archaic means for my surroundings. Do not be deceived also by my the word "archaic". When one thinks of something, one automatically assumes that they are not thinking about nothing. Therefore, when one thinks about not-something, one is thinking about nothing. Of course, such a conclusion cannot be reached because all of our theories, axioms, and postulates cannot possibly touch the surface of nothing. Mathematics represents nothing numerically by "0". And mathematics even go as far as proving that there are things beyond nothing and that these things are negation of absolute things. Making such a venture is bold, in my opinion; but everyone must live with them- as it is our way of life. The usage of minus also becomes absurd when one thinks of the impact of nothing on our daily lives. Now, I'm not saying that "nothing" does not impact our daily lives because we cannot perceive it; on the contrary, things we cannot conceive of do affect our daily lives- religion teaches this. Should we throw out the whole ideal of God and other higher beings. And if one does not believe in God or higher beings, one must agree with me on the basest of all casest that it is possible for something not perceived to have a profound effect on our lives. In making my case, I will try to be as sane as possible (for at some points in my thought, the little creatures rush in and try to seize control- but I usually stop them just in time). But that is all besides the point. In my exploring nothing, I will try to prove to you that nothing is what it is- "nothing". You may have thought of that before but even the usage of the phrase "nothing is what it is- nothing" is by serious default asinine and terribly incorrect. So, I guess the point is that one may think of this page as not existing and one may decide that reading these words is the same as not reading these words. Everything is not relative in the world of nothing. Phrases, words, axioms, theorems (as I have said before) are not good devices in understanding what nothing is. We must start from the most basic point to reach a conclusion about nothing: death. Now you may question me for why I am using "death" as the beginning and the answer is quite simple: No one living understands death. No one understands nothing. If I were to use life to encounter the topic of nothing, I would be foolish. In mathematical terms. death>=life in the topic of nothing. Such a conclusion is not so difficult to understand if one thinks about it for extreme long periods of time. Perhaps death is not the answer to solve the problem of knowing nothing, but just like any scientist or problem solver, we must start with a hypothesis and work at it. We must test it. And once it is true, we will fully understand ourselves and our make-up (I can't imagine the vast knowledge we will gain by knowing nothing- it may change our whole view of living forever!) So this is where my venture will first begin. Before I go further, I must warn you that all I am writing at this point is pure hypothesis which may not even be true. But so many of the theorems we use today are in essence not true. So it does not really matter. To make the point more clear: I am right and I am wrong. I can't put it any other way. So I continue.


Going through the topic of death, I must first approach and explain the long, twisted, and often complicated existence theorem. I will draw from mathematical referencess to do this. First of all, our very existence (whether imagined by some higher order or us) can be "unreal" per-say. We do not know completely if we do exist. There is that famous phrase: "I think, therefore I am". Nothing could be more further than the truth. It would be totally naive to assume that once you think, you become some existent piece of material made up of bones, skin, and possibly a soul. What if you were not reading this page ten seconds ago (although you thought you had been). What if you were just existing five seconds ago and everything you remember from the past has been implanted into your so-called "brain". You can never tell anything from the same thing itself. Now, I hope I am not confusing you. I'm merely adding a backdrop in reference to what I am going to talk about. That is why the existence theorem is a notion that is long-winded and simply complicated. I could give an example where I would prove such things as why limits in mathematics exist but that would be missing the whole point of my thesis. And just what is my thesis? Well, I will ponder that later. I will continue. Death is said to be, by many philosophers, the end of the body. Many are not sure about the soul or the other intrinsic compartments of the being (we call human). Perhaps once we die that is it: it would be just like how we were before we were born. Would we be in fact nothing before and after our lifetime. I honestly think not. That is not where I am going with this. I have a story in mind to get the idea out:
It is mid-day, sometime. Two men are running on a field in the middle of nowhere. One man, the first, turns to the other man, the second, and asks him, "Where are we?" The second man replies, "I do not know". The first man asks his question again. The second man replies "I do know". The first man becomes annoyed and tells the second man he is contradicting himself. The second man takes out a 45-magnum gun from his skirt sleeve and blows his brains out. The first man realizes that the second man was correct after all. A bird flies by and drops it's excrement on the first man's head. The bird dies.
If you totally missed the idea of that disturbing story then you will probably catch up to my train of thought later on in this discussion. The fact is that death comes before nothing in our train of rationale. At least many of us try to perceive of what death really is. This is why the existence theorem is so vital as an introduction to my discussion on nothing. All things existing are said to be vivid to the human mind and imagination. Is death existing? Well, if we were all English majors we would answer yes. But the question when applied to actual thought parameters may lead to undesirable results. If the answer was "No, death does not exist" what would that mean for us. Things that do not exist scare us (subconsciously) because we are adapt to see and interpret things on our own existent merits. Where does this fear come from? The answer is simple. We are all human beings (as I have stated before). It is in our very nature to be afraid of things that we cannot perceive. Turning this to my point, does that mean that people who are afraid of death think death does not exist. Do you see where I am going with this now? I think you do, but on all terms you are wrong. I am fooling you. The reason why I am doing this is because to get to my point I must be indirect. I must use indirect proof. Contradiction is the key of solving many of today's problems. It is a true fact that everyone on this Earth uses these means to get by the day. But I claim that using contradiction as a way of proving something is not correct and is by no means the slightest bit correct. We are taught that there are polar opposites of things. But the truth is that there are no polar opposites in this universe. Nothing is that simple. We must look closely to what I'm trying to say. (To be continued...)